
¿Los juegos olímpicos, son la cúspide de los logros deportivos o de las implementaciones tecnológicas? La pregunta no es tan absurda como suena. Como el proveedor oficial de la red de datos para los juegos olímpicos de invierno, Sochi 2014, Avaya está construyendo la red más …

Entrevista: Pierre-Paul Allard

Un veterano con 19 años de experiencia en Cisco Systems, Pierre-Paul Allard, se unió a Avaya en el 2012 para supervisar la estrategia y el desarrollo empresarial, antes de agregarle, en julio, las responsabilidades de ventas y canales. Allard tiene planes muy ambiciosos, en particular, una expansión …

Desconocidos Torpes e Insectos que Atacan

De pie, meciendo mi bicicleta, con el pie derecho en el borde del andén y la mano izquierda en el manillar, espero que Glass me de las indicaciones para llegar a mi destino. Mientras miraba fijamente el prisma rectangular arriba de mi ceja, sentí un toque en mi hombro derecho. Antes de que pudiera girarme una voz me pregunto …

El camino hacia adelante

La mayoría de nosotros aprendimos en la escuela que la distancia más corta entre dos puntos es una línea recta. Eso suena lógico y simple, incluso para estudiantes de escuela primaria. Desafortunadamente, ese no ha sido siempre el caso en el mundo de las redes de datos …

El Alto Costo de los Inconvenientes

Los consumidores quieren un servicio al cliente exelente, sin embargo, muchas compañias colocan barreras frente a ellos. Sí obtener un servicio al cliente se convierte en algo que requiere mucho esfuerzo y la experiencia es agotadora, los clientes no van a quedarse, se alejarán. Eso es lo que dicen 2.100 adultos encuestados en 2013 en los EE.UU por Harrys Interactive, en un estudio patrocinado por Avaya …

Citas Notables

“Las comunicaciones son un componente crítico de Sochi 2014 y la solución de Avaya jugará un papel crucial en asegurar el éxito, permitiendo que los medios de comunicación, los atletas, los oficiales, la familia Olímpica y Paraolímpica, la fuerza de trabajo y los voluntarios se puedan comunicar desde cualquier lugar, a cualquier hora y cualquier día".


Lea este estudio realizado por Wainhouse Research en el que se examinan los resultados de la implementación de la solución de video conferencia Avaya Scopia® en toda la organización y se comparten siete recomendaciones para empresas que están pensando en dar ese paso. …

Innovaciones alrededor del mundo

La cadena hotelera Pan Pacific Hotels Group, localizada en Singapur, está implementando la tecnología de comunicaciones unificadas y contact center de Avaya Aura®, con lo que espera incrementar, de tres a cuatro veces más, la tasa de respuesta a sus huéspedes, así como disminuir el personal y los costos de recursos en un 80% y reducir los costos de infraestructura en un 20%.s …

Eventos Avaya

El presidente y director general de Avaya, Kevin Kennedy, dando el discurso principal en el evento del Grupo Internacional de Usuarios de Avaya (IAUG), CONVERGE2013 Conference, que se realizó entre el 3 y el 7 de junio en Orlando, Florida. El evento de este año atrajo a miles de usuarios, expertos y partners de Avaya …

CASO DE ESTUDIO: Comunicaciones Unificadas & Nube Privada

Forest City Enterprises es una compañía muy grande de gestión de bienes raíces ubicada en Cleveland, Ohio. Cuenta con casi $11.000 millones en propiedades bajo su gestión, y entre las propiedades más reconocidas de Forest City se incluye …


En este momento el video móvil y de escritorio está en furor. Cada proveedor de video dice tener la solución más viable y hay una serie aparentemente interminable de nuevos operadores en el mercado. Para los usuarios potenciales es muy difícil digerir toda esta información …

Cover Story

Going for Gold

Are the Olympic Games the pinnacle of sporting achievements—or of technology deployments? It’s not as absurd a question as it sounds. As the official network supplier for the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Avaya is building its most ambitious network ever …

Eric Lai
Letter From the Editor

Sochi 2014: The Technology Olympics?

I loved writing this issue’s cover story about Avaya’s key role in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics for so many reasons. Let’s start with Sochi, the Black Sea resort town quickly transforming into the Miami of Russia …

Eric Lai

Q&A: Pierre-Paul Allard

A 19-year veteran of Cisco Systems, Pierre-Paul Allard joined Avaya in 2012 to oversee corporate strategy and development before adding sales and channel responsibilities in July. Allard has big plans—in particular, an expansion of Avaya’s …

Eric Lai

Choose Your Own Collaboration Adventure

You’re a savvy, modern professional with myriad of communication options available to you. Which one should you use: text, call, voice broadcast, voicemail, email, chat, video chat, call a meeting, or swing by their desk? The answer is …

Elke Peterson
Asher Powell
Last Call

Clumsy Strangers and Attacking Insects

Cradling my bike, right foot on the curb, left hand on the handlebar, I stood and waited for Glass to give me directions to my destination. As I stared into the rectangular prism above my eyebrow, I felt a tap on my right shoulder …

Carlos Monterrey
Consumerization Corner

Top Tablets for Small and Midsize Businesses

These days, your small or midsize business (SMB) might have a workforce as widely dispersed as a large enterprise. If that’s the case, mobile collaboration is just as mission critical. Fortunately, the benefits of high-end unified communications …

Jude Chao

By the Numbers

Percentage of International Avaya Users Group (IAUG) members planning a cloud communications deployment or evaluating their strategic options, according to a June Avaya survey …

What’s the Big Idea?

The Best Path Forward

Most of us learn in school that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That sounds logical and simple enough, even for grade school students. Unfortunately, that hasn’t always been the case in the world of networks …

Anita Karvé

The High Cost of Inconvenience

Consumers want excellent customer service. Yet, too many companies place barriers in front of customers. If obtaining customer service becomes a high-effort, tiring experience, customers don’t stay-they run away

Asher Powell

Notable Quotes

“Communications are a critical component of Sochi 2014, and the Avaya solution will play a crucial role in ensuring its success, allowing the media, athletes, officials, Olympic and Paralympic family, workforce, and volunteers to communicate from anywhere, anytime, any day.” …

Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

Read this study by Wainhouse Research that examines the results of Avaya’s deployment of Avaya Scopia® video conferencing throughout the company and makes seven recommendations for companies considering the same move …


Innovations From Around the Globe

Singapore-based hotel chain Pan Pacific Hotels Group is deploying Avaya Aura® unified communications (UC) and contact center technology, which it expects to boost its guest response rate by three to four times …


Avaya Events

Avaya CEO Kevin Kennedy giving the keynote address at the International Avaya Users Group (IAUG) CONVERGE2013 Conference in Orlando, held June 3–7. This year’s event drew thousands of Avaya users, experts, and partners …

Andres Larranaga

Over 350,000 Served

1,000+ videos. 2,600+ subscribers. 350,000 views. All in just 19 months. Those are the vital stats around Avaya Mentor, our fast-growing YouTube channel featuring technical how-to videos created by Avaya engineers. Avaya Mentor is our version of the Khan Academy …

Carl Knerr

Real Simpl(ified)

New Avaya Aura® Suite Licensing offers a simpler, more flexible way for customers to tailor a unified communications (UC) solution to meet their organization’s exact needs. This reduces complexity for end users and business partners alike. It also saves them time …

Tac Berry
Partner Up

The Chronicalls of Xima

Small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) often feel that they get the short end of the stick when it comes to unified communications (UC) options. If 2013 Avaya DevConnect Innovation Award recipient Xima Software has its way …

Jude Chao
User Spotlight

Super Showing at the Super Bowl

The best defense is a good offense, or so the expression goes. In a similar vein, disaster recovery plans work best when there’s no need for a recovery. That’s the philosophy of Bill Lipscomb, CEO of WBL Services Inc. in Seattle …

Mark Everett Hall
Case Study: Mobile and Video

Niagara College Innovates and Educates With Avaya Video Technology

In its more than four decades of operation, Niagara College has grown substantially. Today, it serves 9,000 full-time students and 15,000 continuing education students annually at campuses in Welland, Niagara-on-the-Lake, and Niagara Falls, Ontario …

Case Study: UC and Private Cloud

Virtually Speaking

Forest City Enterprises is a massive real estate management firm based in Cleveland, Ohio. With nearly $11 billion in property under management, Forest City’s best-known properties include the Westfield San Francisco Centre mall …

Eric Lai
Trend: Video

Seven Simple Truths About Desktop and Mobile Video Conferencing

Desktop and mobile video are all the rage right now. Every video vendor claims they have a viable solution, and there is a seemingly endless string of new entrants to the market. For potential users, it’s hard to cut through the noise …

Robin Raulf-Sager
Not Invented Here

Two Shining Examples of Avaya Innovation

Nothing exemplifies Avaya’s homegrown innovation more than our Service-Level Agreement Monitor (SLA Mon) software. And no one exemplifies Avaya’s spirit of invention better than late Avaya Labs Research Scientist and Distinguished Engineer Jean Meloche …

Ravi Sethi