“Which of the following queuing and routing upgrades is your firm planning to implement for your contact center(s)?”
Not interested
Interested but no plans
Planning to implement in a year or more
Planning to implement in the next 12 months
Don’t know
Add speech recognition apps to IVR
Multichannel integration (such as Web, email, SMS/text, phone, social media, mobile) on a single system
Adding social media as a communication channel (eg., Twitter, Facebook)
Adding chat as a communication channel
Adding video as a communication channel
Proactive outbound notification (SMS/text, email, voice, social media)
Adding mobile devices as a communication channel (agents get information from a customers’ devices and can push data to them)
Real-time decisioning to push appropriate offers to contact center agent
UC integration for presence and access to others (e.g., escalation or transfer to another agent)
Survey: 633 IT decisionmakers worldwide with more than 20 employees and contact centers with more than 50 seats (percentages do not total 100 because of rounding).
Source: Forrester Research, 2013.